...in that I think about food a lot, although recently I've been trying to do that in a different manner. Less "I want that really unhealthy clubhouse sandwich from Key's" to "I want that really unhealthy clubhouse sandwich from Key's, but I've already used up too many calories this week." It's a bitch to unsubscribe from the former philosophy, but I know I'll be thanking me a few months from now. That said, I've had a pretty rollercoaster-y week of caloric consumption. Off from the high of having lost 4 pounds finally (FINALLY!) from two weeks ago, I may have undone a couple of those after a fatty Cinco de Mayo lunch and a serving of my co-worker's amazing kiwi pie.
No matter; a friend pointed out, too, that as long as I track what I eat and see it from a high level -- like a weekly basis -- that I'd feel less crappy if I pig out one day, as long as I ensure that I don't do it every day.
Anyway, the reason I really wanted to have a food-themed entry is because of two things that went down this week (well, last week) that I'm proud of. First, I was invited to be part of the Yelp! Elite Team for 2010. For those of you who live under a rock, Yelp! is a cool website where you can find reviews of any type of business anywhere. The reviews are written by average Janes & Joes (including me!), and it's usually fun to read through, particularly the hypercritical ones. I've started writing more reviews now that I'm in the TC, and the Community Manager deemed me to be worthy enough to be on the Elite Team, and last Thursday was a chance to meet other Yelp! ET members. I was so flipping excited to try Cafe Kem, because there's finally a Yogurtland place in Minnesota! Who knew people would go for the self-serve fro-yo concept here? This moi for sure; I just hope the business stays afloat during those horrible Minnesota winter months. Besides the food though, I love this opportunity to meet people who, for once, do not work @ Target. Don't get me wrong, I love the friends I've met @ Tgt, but it's more than great to find people who don't live and breathe retail, who don't get excited when an item is in-stock, who doesn't say the third week of October as "October Week 3." And to meet people who also love trying out different food and restos? Double whammy!
The other proud feat of the week is my attempt to make a less-than-400 calorie meal, which I got out from a Real Simple issue. It's poached eggs with mushroom and tomatoes, and you can get the recipe here. I didn't document my successful attempts to poach an egg, but here's the finished product:
I may have gone overboard with the garnish, but it was pretty darn good, if I say so myself. And I got the garnish from legit fresh herbs that I got from the Farmer's Market outside our office:
How do you grow basil, rosemary, and thyme inside a high-rise apartment? I have no effin' clue.
Anyway, I think I may have found a good "balanced" diet (or eating regimen): cook healthy meals at home as much as possible, then eat the dishes I want once or twice a week in restaurants I want to try (or Yelp! about). Granted, this may be a bit of a stretch when just last week I bought lunch two out of the 5 days, but it's worth a shot!
that looks yummy! it is a pain to keep track of caloric intake. I wish we can just wear a gadget that tallies everything we eat. Like those vending machine that displays how much money you put in. then once you get close to the daily caloric limit.. it will zap you. haha. Im pretty sure once johnson gets back here, ill be struggling to eat a "balanced" diet. ill try and follow your resolution :)