Sunday, July 18, 2010

There are days when I just want to bury myself under a mountain of food.

And eat my way out of it. Haha, that's not exactly in line with my supposedly steadfast resolve of losing weight. But, welcome to the emotional painkiller of every woman -- food! :) Haha, I make things sound so much worse than they actually are. To be truthful, life is bearable, and food is good. 

To be even truthier than the truth, there have been crap days and great days. Crap days include those days when I can't figure out what the hell I am doing or what I want, when I can't seem to get my head out of work, and when I eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Berry Voluntary ice cream in one day. Silver lining, though, crap days only make great days sound much more better. Now if I only had more of those. 

I guess what'll help me get out of this funk is having a game plan that is achievable. Let's see....
Billionaire by 24 (cue song by Travie McCoy). 
Eats everything in sight and not gain a single pound/loses a pound permanently for every minute of BodyStep @ the Y. 
Clothes collection that stretch from NYC to LA. 
Ditto for shoes. 
All-expenses paid trip to the Philippines every year. And Spain, and London, and Hawaii, and Indonesia, and Germany, and...
A tall, handsome boy toy by Christmas (or for Christmas, I'm not choosy).
A souped-up 2011 Honda CR-V 
A season ticket holder of the Hennepin Theater District shows
Food critic by day (with Yelp! I'm halfway there), music producer by night. 
An MBA degree before I turn 30 from a great school, and the six-figure salary to show for it. 
A job that I would happily do the occasional overtime for 
Skills that could take me anywhere in life, including the ability to fight and defeat a ninja. 
A life in California. 
A life with friends and family.
A life that has exponentially more great days than "other" days.