To be even truthier than the truth, there have been crap days and great days. Crap days include those days when I can't figure out what the hell I am doing or what I want, when I can't seem to get my head out of work, and when I eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Berry Voluntary ice cream in one day. Silver lining, though, crap days only make great days sound much more better. Now if I only had more of those.
I guess what'll help me get out of this funk is having a game plan that is achievable. Let's see....
Billionaire by 24 (cue song by Travie McCoy).
Eats everything in sight and not gain a single pound/loses a pound permanently for every minute of BodyStep @ the Y.
Clothes collection that stretch from NYC to LA.
Ditto for shoes.
All-expenses paid trip to the Philippines every year. And Spain, and London, and Hawaii, and Indonesia, and Germany, and...
A tall, handsome boy toy by Christmas (or for Christmas, I'm not choosy).
A souped-up 2011 Honda CR-V
A season ticket holder of the Hennepin Theater District shows
Food critic by day (with Yelp! I'm halfway there), music producer by night.
An MBA degree before I turn 30 from a great school, and the six-figure salary to show for it.
A job that I would happily do the occasional overtime for
Skills that could take me anywhere in life, including the ability to fight and defeat a ninja.
A life in California.
A life with friends and family.
A life that has exponentially more great days than "other" days.